Contact Form
Use the following form to contact me for any feedback, commissions, or questions:
Not currently accepting new commissionsArticle Submission:
Before contacting me about offering to write an article for this website, please read the following document: Submitting an Article for Display on
Social Media
Note: I haven’t been active much lately but intend to start creating new content again starting sometime in September 2023.
You can find me on the following social media platforms:
Instagram - dominicb_art
New artworks, sketches, studies, exclusive behind the scenes content, new artist discovery, fan art
Updated once or twice a week when active
Pinterest - dominicb_art
New artworks, interests and inspiration, how-tos, tutorials, mood boards, artist showcase, artist quotes
New pins every week when active!
Facebook - dominicb.illustration
New artworks, artist showcase, art-related links/videos/images
Updated weekly when active
Twitch - dominicb_art
Streaming once or twice a week when active